Harun Farocki
Harun Farocki
Gegen Krieg (Against War)
Curated by Antje Ehmann
November 18, 2022 – January 28, 2023
Harun Farocki
Who is in charge?
Instituto Moreira Salles, Sao Paulo, Brazil
September 17, 2019 – January 5, 2020
Harun Farocki
Harun Farocki: What ought To Be Done? Work & Life
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
October 27, 2018 – April 7, 2019
Harun Farocki
Harun Farocki – Counter Music
Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
March 10 – May 28, 2017
Harun Farocki
Harun Farocki und die Musik
September 16 – December 21, 2017
Harun Farocki
Kohlfurter Strasse 41/43, 10999 Berlin
November 17 – December 21, 2012
Harun Farocki
Gegen-Musik - Aufstellung - Zur Bauweise des Films bei Griffith
Zimmerstrasse 88–89, 10117 Berlin
March 3 – April 18, 2009
Harun Farocki
Working on the Sight-Lines
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN: 978-9053566350
Harun Farocki
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln
ISBN: 978-3-86335-459-6
Harun Farocki
Weiche Montagen - Soft Montages
Yilmaz Dziewior
ISBN: 978-3-86560-818-5
Solo exhibitions
- Harun Farocki: In Comparison, Tate Liverpool + RIBA North, Liverpool, UK
- Harun Farocki: Against War, curated by Antje Ehmann, Greene Naftali, New York, USA
- Harun Farocki. Consider Labour, Cooper Gallery, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
- Against War, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Germany
- Harun Farocki. Against War, Forum Stadtpark / Steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria
- As You See. The works of Harun Farocki, Art Quarter Budapest, Hungary
- Drawing the Line, Harun Farocki Institut, Berlin, Germany
- Reality Would Have To Begin, Art Encounters Foundation, Timișoara, Romania
- Who is in charge?, Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo, Brazil
- Parallel I-IV, Cache Space, Beijing, China
- Harun Farocki: Über die Entgrenzung der Arbeit, Goethe Institut Bukarest, Bukarest, Rumania
- Who is in charge?, Instituto Moreira Salles, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- PARALLEL I-IV, Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin, Germany
- Harun Farocki: What ought To Be Done? Work & Life, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
- Empathie - Harun Farocki, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France
- Harun Farocki: Images contre elles-mêmes, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
- Harun Farocki. Parallel I - IV, MAMAC. Musée D'Art Modern, Nice, France
- Harun Farocki und die Musik, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Germany
- Das filmische Gesamtwerk Harun Farockis, Kino Arsenal, Berlin, Germany
- Harun Farocki – Mit anderen Mitteln – By Other Means, n.b.k. Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany
- Labour in a Single Shot, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithunia
- Harun Farocki – Counter Music, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
- Harun Farocki Schreenshot, Galerie Art & Essai, Université Rennes II, Rennes, France
- Harun Farocki. Parallel I - IV, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, Italyhttps://www.centrepompidou.fr/en/program/calendar/event/caEM6kK
- Harun Farocki – Empathy, Fundacío Antoni Tapìes, Barcelona, Spain
- Metaphor and Politics – The Tehran Retrospective of Harun Farocki, Ag Galerie, Sazmanab Gallery, Tehran, Iran
- Harun Farocki (1944-2014), Neue Sächsische Galerie, Chemnitz, Germany
- Labour in a Single Shot, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
- Harun Farocki – Zbynek Baladrán, Center for Contemporary Art FUTURA, Prague, Czech Republic
- Parallel, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, USA
- Harun Farocki, Kunstverein Schwäbisch Hall, Schwäbisch Hall, Germany
- Harun Farocki – Serious Games I-IV, Ryerson Image Centre, Toronto, Canada
- Harun Farocki – Vision/Production/Opression., Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, Centro de Cultura Digital, Mexico City, Mexico
- Harun Farocki – Ernste Spiele, Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany
- Harun Farocki – Parallele, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
- Harun Farocki – Side by Side,Argos – Centre for Art and Media, Brussels, Belgium
- Spielregeln, Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg, Germany
- Harun Farocki – Workers Leaving the Factory, Malmö Konstmuseum, Malmö, Sweden
- Harun Farocki – Imagination At Work, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Labor in One Shot – Harun Farocki, Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Instalaciones y filmes, Fundación PROA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Blown Up – Gaming and War,Gallery 101, Ottawa, Canada
- Harun Farocki, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Germany
- HARUN FAROCKI BETWEEN EYE AND HAND, Samos Young Artist Festival, Pythagorion, Samos, Greece
- Harun Farocki – Ein neues Produkt, Haus der Photographie/Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany
- Harun Farocki first time in Warsaw, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
- 7 days – Harun Farocki, Point Center fort he Arts, Nicosia and Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
- How we Move, SALT Beyoğlu, Istanbul, Turkey
- Harun Farocki – Images of War (at a Distance), The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
- Harun Farocki – Comparison via a Third, Center for Contemporary Arts Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
- Harun Farocki – What a distance, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
- Harun Farocki – A Cruz e a Prata, Lumiar Cité, Lisbon, Portugal
- Harun Farocki – Tres Duplas Projeccoes, Galeria Palàcio Galveias, Lisbon, Portugal
- War at a Distance, Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne, Australia
- Harun Farocki, TR 1 Gallery, Tampere, Finland
- Harun Farocki – Image Works, Beirut Art Center, Beirut, Lebanon
- Harun Farocki – Weiche Montagen/Soft Montages, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz, Austria
- Harun Farocki – Umgießen, Osram Art Projects, Munich, Germany
- Harun Farocki – Filme, Villa Schöningen, Potsdam, Germany
- Harun Farocki – Ausstellung und Filmprogramm, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
- Harun Farocki, Raven Row, London, United Kingdom
- Harun Farocki – 22 Films 1968–2009, Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom
- H.F./ R.G. Harun Farocki/ Rodney Graham, Jeu de Paume, Paris, France
- Gegen-Musik – Aufstellung – Zur Bauweise des Films bei Griffith, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Germany
- Counter Music & On Construction of Griffith’s films, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
- Three Early Films, Cubitt Gallery, London, United Kingdom
- Deep Play, Fußballfilmfestival 11 mm, Berlin, Germany
- Deep Play, The Greene Naftaly Gallery, New York, USA
- On construction of Griffith’s Films – Counter-Music, ångels barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- Deep play – Comparison via a Thied, Interface, Eye/Machine 1, 2, 3, Museet for samtidskonst, Oslo, Norway
- Interface, Eye/Machine 3, Counter-Music, Workers Leaving the Factory in Eleven Decades, Dubbing, Inextinguishable Fire, Museet Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Montréal, Canada
- Auge/Machine 1-3, Counter-Music, On Construction of Griffith’s Films, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Österreich
- Auge/Machine 1-3, Counter-Music, Vergleich über ein Drittes, MUMOK Museum Moderner Kunst, Wien, Österreich
- Counter Music, The Greene Naftaly Gallery, New York, USA
- Counter Music – Videograms of the Revolution, Index, The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm, Schweden
- Auge/Machine 1-3, Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Auge/Machine 2, Etablissement D’en Face Projects, Brussels, Belgium
- I thought I was Seeing Convicts, AGO, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
- Auge/Machine 3, ICA, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, United Kingdom
- Auge, Machine, Interface – I thought I was Seeing Convicts, The Greene Naftaly Gallery, New York, USA
- Auge, Machine, Interface – I thought I was Seeing Convicts, Goethe Institut Paris, Paris, France
- Harun Farocki – Filme, Videos, Installationen, Filmclub Münster und Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, Germany
- Spuren der Inszenierung – Nicht löschbares Feuer, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Group exhibitions
- Far Beyond the Walls, curated by Frances Melhop, Nevada State Prison, Carson City, Nevada
- Histories of a Common Thread, curated by Ulrika Lublin, Alida Ivanov, Skanstull Metro Station, Stockholm, Sweden
- Espacio Video, curated by Juan Guardiola, Fundación Díaz-Caneja, Palencia, Spain
- Spielen heißt verändern! Die Sammlungen, curated by Jürgen Tabor, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Austria
- Die Schönheit der Dinge: Stilleben von 1900 bis heute, curated by Marike Klaaßen, Kunsthalle Emden, Germany
- Ways of Seeing, Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media, Düsseldorf, Germany
- 24 / 7, Kunsthaus Graz, Austria Images at Work, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- 30 Lives, Museum of Contemporary Arts and Design, Manila, Philippines
- Delay Today, Etablissement d'en face, Brussels, Belgium
- Worldbuilding. Jeu vidéo et Art à l'ère digitale, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, France
- Game Society, National Museum of Modern Art, Seoul, South Korea
- Borders and Barriers – Thresholds and Separations, Gabès Cinema Fen, Gabès, Tunesia
- Workwear: How to wear Utopia, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Museum of Architecture and Design, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Bitter Sweet, Grand Palais, Bern, Switzerland
- Signals: How Video Transformed the World, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
- Bluff, Lovaas Projects, Munich, Germany
- Holding Pattern, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
- Vom Stilleben zum Food Porn, Museum für Brot und Kunst, Ulm, Germany
- Ist im Keller noch Museum?, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Germany
- Kunst und Krieg. Von Goya bis Richter, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland
- SupaStore, A plus A Gallery, Venice, Italy
- When Faith Moves Mountains, PinchukArtCentre, Kyiv, Ukraine
- grenzgäner*innen, Kunstverein Schattendorf, Germany
- WORLDBUILDING. GAMING AND ART IN THE DIGITAL AGE, Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
- Potosí Prinzip. Archiv, Galerie der Stadt Schwaz, Austria
- Emplotment,Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary
- Body & Cosmos: The Art of Living Together, Xie Zilong Photography Museum, Changsha City, China
- Retail Apocalypse, Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA), Montreal, Canada
- Potosí-Prinzip. Archive, Akademie der Künste der Welt, Cologne, Germany
- Feedback #6: Marshall McLuhan and the Arts, Fonderie Darling, Montreal, Canada
- Labour in a Single Shot. Bucharest | Berlin | Warsaw 2020-2021, Rezidenta BRD Scena9, Bucharest, Rumania
- Le tour de jour en quatre-vingts mondes, CAPC, Bordeaux, France
- Beneath the skin, Between the Machines, HOW Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- Writing the History of the Future Signature. Work of the Singular ZKM Media Art Collection, Gwangju Art Museum, South Korea
- Chennai Photo Biennale, Chennai, India
- Les Flammes. L'art vivant de la céramique, Museum of Modern Art, Paris, France
- The Story of M.B. as told by Jef Geys,Frans Masareel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium
- ReVisión: Art in the Americas, Denver Art Museum, USA
- Monitor: Surveillance, Data and the New Panoptic,ICA, Maine College of Art, USA
- New Order, Museum im Kulturspeicher Würzburg, Germany
- "oder kann das weg? Fallstudien zur Nachwende", neue gesellschaft für bildende kunst NGBK, Berlin
- draw love build - l'architettura di sauerbruch hutton, M9 - museo del '900, Mestre-Venice | Italy
- Offener Prozess, Stadtmuseum Jena, Germany
- Life, Death, Love and Justice, Tranzit, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Baltic Triennal, Contemporary Art Center Vilnius, Lithuania
- Observing Power, Estonian Museum of Architecture, Tallin, Estonia
- Piktogramme, Lebenszeichen, Emojis: Die Gesellschaft der Zeichen, Städtische Museen Freiburg, Germany
- The End of the Fucking Work, Galerie im Turm, Berlin, Germany
- Video Games: Play Without End, Tabakalera, San Sebastian, Spain
- Dos Anos de Vacaciones, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Tenerife, Spain
- Anything Goes? Berliner Architekturen der 1980er Jahre, Berlinische Galerie, Germany
- The Society of Individuals, Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Korea
- The Physiognomy of Power, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Austria
- In aller Munde. Von Pieter Bruegel bis Cindy Sherman,Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany
- Schnittstellen, Sprengel Museum, Hannover, Germany
- Life Captured Still, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, London, United Kingdom
- Poröse Stadt – Grenzgänge des Urbanen, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
- Theater of Operations. The Gulf Wars 1991-2011, MoMa PS1, New York, USA
- Der Montierte Mensch, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
- Framing. Medien Macht Bilder, Kallmann-Museum, Ismaning, Germany
- RE: WORKING LABOR, Sullivan Galleries, Chicago, USA
- Playmode, MAAT - Fundacao EDP, Lisbon, Portugal
- Weil ich nun mal hier lebe, MMK, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Post Institutional Stress Disorder, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
- Konstruktion der Welt: Kunst und Ökonomie – 1919-1939 und 2008-2018, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
- Artificial Paradise?: Immersion in Raum und Zeit, Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz, Austria
- No War No Vietnam, Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany
- Virtual Insanity, Kunsthalle Mainz, Mainz, Germany
- Other Mechanisms, Secession, Vienna, Austria
- Triennale der Photographie. Control | No Control, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany
- Harun Farocki, Christian Petzold – Retrospectives, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
- What People Do For Money, Manifesta 11, Zurich, Switzerland
- THE NEW HUMAN, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
- The Problem of God, K21 Ständehaus, Düsseldorf, Germany
- All the World’s Futures, 56th Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy
- 1989, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Germany
- Systeme und Subjekte, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Austria
- steirischer herbst 2014, The Militant Image, Camera Austria, Graz, Austria
- Visibility Machines – Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, Baltimore, USA
- Zeichen gegen den Krieg, Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany
- Visibility Machines – Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany
- Visibility Machines – Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen, Gallery 400, Chicago, USA
- Kunst/Geschichten, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Austria
- Worlding, Queens Museum of Art, New York, USA
- The Disasters of the War, Musée du Louvre-Lens, Lens, France
- Playtime, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau München, Munich, Germany
- art and pain, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, Geneva, Switzerland
- Was wir zeigen wollen, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, Germany
- Antje Ehmann und Harun Farocki – Labour in a Single Shot., Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, Centro de Cultura Digital, Mexico City, Mexico
- Ways of Seeing, Spectacle Theater, New York, USA
- Time & Motion – Redefining Working Life, FACT – Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, London and Liverpool, United Kingdom
- 93, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- Im Bilde, Duisburger Filmwoche37 das festival des deutschsprachigen dokumentarfilms, Duisburg, Germany
- War and Trauma, Museum Dr. Guislain, Gent, Belgium
- International Film Festival, the whole world fits in Lisbon, Doclisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
- Visibility Machines: Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen, Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, Baltimore, USA
- Minimal Resistance. Between late modernism and globalization: artistic practices during the 80s and 90s, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
- In form eypress and admirable (sometimes lying, sometimes not), Goldsmiths College of Art, London, United Kingdom
- Berliner Schule, International Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Dream Factory, MoMA PS1, New York, USA
- Salon der Angst, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria
- Sacred, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, USA
- Leisure, Discipline and Punishment, Biennial of Moving Image, Mecheln, Belgium
- Leben mit Pop. Eine Reproduktion des kapitalistischen Realismus, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany
- Reality is not enough (Media Forum of the Moscow International Film Festi-val), Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
- Artificial Nature, Théatre de l´Avant-Seine, Colombes
- The Encyclopedic Palace, 55th Biennale, Brazilian Pavillon, Venice, Italy
- Le pont, Musée d`Art Contemporain, Marseille, France
- Vues d'en haut (Views from above), Centre Pompidou, Metz, France
- Design Beyond Production, Rethinking the human being in manufacturing, Z33 - huis voor actuele kunst, Hasselt, Belgium
- Artificial Nature, Lille 3000 – Le Printemps à Saint-Sauveur, Lille, France
- Mapping Time, Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche, Osnabrück, Germany
- Irregular – Economies of Deviation, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin, Germany
- Kunst- und Arbeitswelt, Städtische Galerie, Waldkraiburg, Germany
- Dokumentarfilmwoche, Hamburg, Germany
- At your service, Museum Arbeitswelt, Steyr, Austria
- Cinema du Réel, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
- Film and Talk: Harun Farocki, Modern Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
- The Image Factory, SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art, Montréal, Canada
- FilmWeltWirtschaft, Filmmuseum, Munich, Germany
- ONLY HERE. Works by contemporary artists from the collection oft he Federal Republic of Germany. Acquisitions 2007–2011, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany
- Art/Work and the Invisible Hand, Museum Of Fine Art, Laura Lee Blanton Gallery, Houston, USA
- time(less) signs, Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria
- I’m (also) an Alien!, HoH Art, Milan, Italy
- EntreVues Festival du Film, Cinéma Pathe, Belfort, France
- Blown Up: Gaming and War, Montreal Arts Interculturels, Montréal, Canada
- L’image témoin: l’après-coup du réel, Jeau de Paume, Paris, France
- Acts of Voicing, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
- Festival des deutschsprachigen Dokumentarfilms 36, Duisburger Filmwoche, Duisburg, Germany
- Nedfall presents, Kunsthalle, Filmmuseum, Bergen, Norway
- Sammlung Design und Spiegel-Kantine, Denkraum Ressourcen/Nachhaltigkeit, Thema „Bauen“ unter den Aspekten von „Secondary Use“, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
- Cinema of Urgency, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA
- Doubles Économies, Centre de la Photographie, Geneva, Switzerland
- Schichtwechsel, Nordstern Videokunstzentrum, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
- Games People Play, Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World, Exeter, United Kingdom
- 3rd Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition 2012, Melancholy in Progress, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
- Labyrinth, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, France
- Intoleranz/Normalität, Kunstverein, Graz, Austria
- OUT-OF-______, Galerie Dohyang Lee, Paris, France
- Taipei Biennial 2012, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
- A partir de Mañana, todo (From tomorrow on, everything), Museo Universitatio Arte Contemporáneo, Centro de Cultura Digital, Mexico City, Mexico
- Poetas en Tiempos de Escasez, Museo de Arte del Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia
- L’homme de Vitruve (Vitruvian Man), Centre d’art contemporain d’Ivry – le Crédac, Ivry-sur-Seine, France
- Cinemania: Harun Farocki and Holly Zausner, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca, USA
- The World is Not Fair – The Great World’s Fair 2012, Tempelhof Park, Berlin, Germany
- Making History, MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Image Counter Image, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
- Ciudad Total, Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Valencià, Spain
- CoB#2, The History of Art in the Age…, Celebration of the Body, Museum of Copies, Musée des Moulages, Lyon, France
- The Lucifer Effect, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic
- Remote Control, Institute of Contemporary Arts The Mall, London, United Kingdom
- Collecting Collections and Concepts, European Capital of Culture, Factory Hall, Guimarães, Portugal
- Poetas en Tiempos de Escasez, ICPNA, Lima, Peru
- transmediale 2012, festival for art and digital culture berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
- Raskrsce: Izmedju intimnosti i spektakla, The Cultural Centre of Belgrad, The Art Gallery, Belgrad, Serbia
- Sichtbarkeit und Sichtbarmachung, Institut für Künste und Medien, Potsdam, Germany
- Auf die Plätze, Die Sportausstellung des Deutschen Hygiene Museums, Dresden, Germany
- Evento 2011, Strange and Close, Musée d’Art Contemporain CAPC, Bordeaux, France
- Atlas. How to Carry the World on one’s Back?, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany
- Topographies de la Guerre, Le Bal, Paris, France
- September 11, MoMa PS1, New York, USA
- Labyrinth, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, France
- Rollenbilder. Rollenspiele, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Austria
- Massa MoCA Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, USA
- Changes, Halle 14, Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
- Auf die Plätze, Die Sportausstellung des Deutschen Hygiene Museums, Dresden, Germany
- Serious Games. Krieg – Medien – Kunst, Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, Germany
- Paranoia, EXIT VIA Gare Saint-Sauveur, Créteil, Maubeuge and Lille, France
- Tampere Film Festival, Tampere, Finland
- 29th Bienal de São Paulo Touring Program, Museu de Arte Moderna Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Principio Potosi, Museo National, La Paz, Bolivia
- Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2011, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
- My War, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Canada
- Platform Seoul 2010, Artsonje Center, Seoul, South Korea
- Gwangju Biennale 2010, Gwangju, South Korea
- Hinter der Vierten Wand: Fiktive Leben – Gelebte Fiktionen, Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria
- Exposed – Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera, Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom
- Unmistakable Sentences. The Collection Revisited, Ludwig Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, Hungary
- Starter, ARTER, Istanbul, Turkey
- R_EVOLUTION?, arttransponder, Berlin, Germany
- The Art of Speculation, Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany
- Hard Targets, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio, USA
- SENT BY MAIL, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Germany
- OWEN LAND. How can you believe anything he says?!, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany
- Islands+Ghettos, NGKB Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin, Germany
- Small Moments of Fantastic Things, Antje Wachs Galerie Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- H.Signals in the Dark: Art in the Shadow of War, Models Arts and Niland Gallery, Sligo, Ireland
- Whatever happened to the Sex in Scandinavia?, Office for Contemporary Art Norway, Oslo, Norway
- Museum of Art, Los Angeles, USA
- Belluard Bollwerk International, Zurich, Switzerland
- Máchinas y Almas, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
- Gib mich die Kirsche, Stadt Karlsruhe, HfG, ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Tekfestival Opificio Planet, Rome, Italy
- After the Light Moving Images Displayed at Night, Radialsystem, Berlin, Germany
- The Cinema Effect: Illusion, Reality and the Moving Image Part I: Dreams, de Arte, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C., USA
- Active Fever: Uses of the Document in Contemporary Art, ICP International Center for Photography; New York, USA
- Under Pain of Death, Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, USA
- Re-enactments, DHC/ART Foundation for Contemporary Art, Montréal, Canada
- Artefact, Kunstencentrum STUK, Leuven, Netherlands
- Signals in the Dark, Art in the Shadow of War, Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga, Canada
- (MAMCS), Museé d’Art Moderne Contemporain, Strasbourg, Alsace, France
- Mimétisme, Extra City – Center for Contemporary Art, Antwerp, Belgium
- MACBA im Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main, German
- Deep Play, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, United Kingdom
- Glück – welches Glück?, Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Dresden, Germany
- Eye/Machine, Starmach Gallery, Krakow, Poland
- Filmische Weisheiten, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, Germany
- Czechpoint – International Exhibition and Festival of Political Art, Gallery of Arts, Zilina, Slovakia
- Dada East, Färgfabriken Center for Contemporary Art and Architecture, Stockholm, Sweden
- See us Act, Lund Konsthall, Lund, Sweden
- Intocable (el ideal de la transparencia), Patio Herreriano, Museo de Arte Contempoáneo Espanol, Valladolid, Spain
- New Economy, Artists Space, New York, USA
- What is to be done? Der Prozess, Prague Biennale 3, Prague, Czech Republic
- In the Poem about Love you dont Write the Word Love, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, USA
- The California Files – Re-Viewing Side Effects of Cultural Memory, CCA Wattis Institute of Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, USA
- The California Files – Re-Viewing Side Effects of Cultural Memory, CCA Wattis Institute of Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, USA
- Bloomberg Space, London Prison, London, United Kingdom
- We love Cinem, Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College CCS Galleries, Annandele-on-Hudson, USA
- For a special Place: Documents and Works from the General Foundation Collection, Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, USA
- Documenta 12, Kassel, Germany
- Location: Georgien, Tbilisi History Museum Karvasla, Georgia
- Superhuman Vision, ICA Boston, Boston, USA
- BIACS 2, Museum Fundatión Bienal International de Arte Contemporáneo, de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
- Kino wie noch nie, Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria
- In the Poem about Love you don’t Write the Word Love, Artist Space New York, USA
- Work (Arbeit), Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork, United Kingdom
- The expanded Eye. Sehen – entgrenzt und verflüssigt, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
- This Land is my Land, NGBK, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin; Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nuremberg, Germany
- Dada East?, Cabaret Voltaire Dadahaus, Zurich, Switzerland
- Clinic. A Pathology of Gesture, Haus 1 Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, Germany
- 40jahrevideokunst.de Digitales Erbe; Die 60er: update06; Revision.zkm; Revision.ddr, Kunstsammlung im Ständehaus Düsseldorf, Kunsthalle Bremen, Lehmbachhaus München, ZKM Karlsruhe, Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany
- Every Day… another artist/work/show, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg, Austria
- Stile der Stadt – Internationales Videokunstforum, Glaspassage des ehemaligen Forum Altona, Hamburg, Germany
- Photo-Traffic, Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Geneva, Switzerland
- Perific 7., Perific Biennial, Iasi, Romania
- Equal and Less Equal, Museum on the Seam. Socio-political Museum in Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
- Nowhere Europe – Trans: it. Moving Culture Through Europe, National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, Romania
- Pixels of Reality. What do you know, What do you see?, Public Space with a roof, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- No.12 Exces, Z 33, Hasselt, Belgium
- Eine Frage (nach) der Geste, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig, Germany
- Untouchable (The Transparency Ideal), Centre National d‘Art Contemporaine, Villa Arson, Nice, France
- Forum expanded, Kunstwerke Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- Sichtbarkeiten_Zwischen Fakten und Fiktionen, Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg, Germany
- Balance and Power-Performance and Surveillance in Video Art, Krannert Art Museum, Waltham, USA
- Screening War- Zur Repräsentation von Krieg in der Videokunst, ZKM Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Making Things Public-Atmosphären der Demokratie, ZKM Karlsruhe Zurich, Switzerland
- Panoticom – The Architecture and Theatre of Theatre of Prisons, Zacheta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland
- On Patrol, De Appel, Centre for Contemporary Art Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- How do we wan’t to be governed? (Figur and Ground), Miami Art Center (MAC), Miami, USA
- Einstein Spaces. 9 Kunstprojekte Berlin, ARD Hauptstadtstudio, Berlin, Germany
- Zur Vorstellung ders Terror. Die RAF, Kunstwerke Berlin, Germany
- European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück. Document, Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche, Osnabrück, Germany
- Occupying Space. Wasting Time. The Generali Collection, Haus der Kunst, Munich/Galerie Kloviecevi dvori, Zagreb/Witte de With, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Art Video Lounge, Art Basel and Miami Beach, Miami, USA
- On Difference #1-Lokale Kontexte-Hybride Räume, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
- Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Geneva, Switzerland
- Disobedience-Ziviler Ungehorsam, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, PLAY Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- Projekt Migration, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany
- Arbeit*, Galerie am Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Austria
- 4 and 4: curators choice New York/Berlin Anselm Franke shows Harun Farocki + Matthew Buckingham, Galerie Müller Dechiara, Berlin, Germany
- Privatisierungen. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Osteuropa, KW Institute for Contemporary Art Kunstwerke Berlin e.V., Berlin, Germany
- Open House. Kunst und Öffentlichkeit/Art and the Public Sphere, O.K. Centrum für Gegenwartskunst Oberösterreich, Linz, Austria
- Fly Utopia! Ausstellung transmediale.04, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
- Documentary „Fictions“, Fundation „la Caixa“, Barcelona, Spain
- Shock and Awe-Kriegsbilder zwischen Dokumentation und Ideologie, Edith Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg, Germany
- Guck Mal, Was Du kaufst! Eine Mitmacherausstellung für Kleine und Große, FEZ-Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- models+frames 8: Überlebensstrategien für Untrainierte, Kunst und Medienzentrum Adlershof, Berlin, Germany
- Die Zehn Gebote, Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Dresden, Germany
- INwardOUTward, FLACC, Casino Modern Waterschei, Genk, Belgium
- La Ville qui Fait Signes, Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains, Lille, France
- American Idol, The Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, USA
- Die Regierung, MACBA, Museu d’Art Contemporaire de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- Re: location. Shake – ID Troubles-Lüneburg, Halle für Kunst Lüneburg e.V., Lüneburg, Germany
- Zellen: Bin gesund. Denke an Dich. Alles Liebe, Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Hamburg, Germany
- Fate of Alien Modes, Secession, Vienna, Austria
- The first ICP Triennial of Photography and Video, International Center of Photography, New York, USA
- Video Installation Exhibition, Galreia Zé dos Bois, Lisbon, Portugal
- Monitoring, KulturBahnhof Kassel, Germany
- M_ARS-Kunst und Krieg, Neue Galerie Graz, Graz, Austria
- Schrägspur, Rebuild #3, Slant Track: Videoinstallation aus der Sammlung, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany
- Sammlung. Werke von Dan Graham, Sanja Ivekovié, Hans Haacke, Friedl Kubelka und Harun Farocki, Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria
- Cardinales, Marco, Museo de Arte Contemporánes de Vigo, Vigo, Spain
- Anxious Omniscience: Surveillance and Contemporary Cultural Practice, Princeton University Museum, Princeton, USA
- Erkennen und Verfolgen, Oktagon Dresden, Dresden, Germany
- Art & Economy, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
- New Heimat, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Still Live, I thought I was Seeing Convicts, SMAK, Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent, Netherlands
- Dinge, die wir nicht verstehen, Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria
- Media City Seoul 2000, Öffentlicher Raum, Seoul, South Korea
- Galeria, Centro Cultural Belem, Lisbon, Portugal
- Gouvernmentalität, Expo 2000, Hanover, Germany
- L’etat des choses (1), KunstWerke Berlin, Germany
- Joris Ivens – Chris Marker – Harun Faroki., Steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria
- Documenta X, Kassel, Germany
- Face á l’historie, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
- Le monde aprés la fotogaphie, Musée d’art Villeneiuve d’Ascq., Lille, France